Going Nuts in May

The Swan Singers and Friends Go Nuts in May

8:30am May 1st Ebbor Gorge.  The annual outing of the Nuts in May Singers (Swan Singers and friends) was another triumph of musical optimism over slightly dreary weather as we walked and madrigalled our way from Deerleap Car Park to the top of Ebbor Gorge.  There were frequent stops to admire the scenery/the slightly sad state of the willow bear sculpture/carpets of bluebells and to test out a variety of acoustics through the medium of the Oxford Book of English Madrigals.   Of course, the best part is when we reach the top and sing with the Vale of Avalon spread at our feet with delicious homemade cakes emerging from backpacks as just rewards for our efforts.  Now is the Month of Maying indeed!